Saturday, May 20, 2006

Last night, Sean called. It was a nice surprise to hear from him. He mostly wanted to talk about some possible job opportunities that he had heard about. He had a lady call from an insurance company, offering him a sales position and an interview on Tuesday..touting a 60 K paycheck. Then there were a bunch of jobs in Cambria County federal jobs in his field. He is applying for those jobs. The drive would be long, but the wages are 57 - 60000 so the drive might be worth it. We talked about a lot of other things. One thing that was interesting was that he seems to really want to go and see that Mission Impossible III movie with me. He was willing to leave Mike working at his place alone if he needed to, which honestly surprised me. I suggested he take his nephew because "it wouldn't kill me " to not see that particular movie. HMM..

I was praying this week about our relationship. We'll see what the Lord has in store for us.

Chase was basically sound today. It had been a year since I got to ride him and have him sound. Last year he started having trouble with abscesses, over and over. A significant chunk of his foot could have fallen away when it reached the ground but we managed to keep it trimmed and there was little problem with that. However in Jan he had another round with abscesses and they looked like little volcanoes had erupted along his cornet band for about 2 inches. So after he got over that the foot once again began to grow down. Thankfully it grows fast. Well now it has grown down to the point were in the next couple of months it will be at thr ground. Once again we are concerned that it will break out...and then he will be lame for quite sometime. It has developed into a hole that is a cup shape. So last Sat I filled it with Tigerhair Car Putty. It held all week even in the mud.! So I rode him and he was sound at the trot! Now I need to run him so that he is sound of mind! I keep putting Reducine on his cornet band hoping that it will cause more circulation to occur and more foot growth.


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