Monday, May 15, 2006

The ambivilance of my relationship with Sean is frustrating to me. I guess that whole Cdateing site got me started. I think I thought things were getting more serious but now have a whole lot more doubt. I'm really trying to trust the Lord, but man o man is it hard. Of course also the posting is now on the tip of my tongue..and I want to say something to him about it but know that would be a very big mistake. I too had postings up until december and I seriously wondr if the fact I had them and he knew it has damaged our relationship without me knowing it, because it certainly has messed with my mind now that I now it's the other way around. I know he's lonely..all I have to do is listen to him go on about that new dog. In my heart of hearts I want him to find the right person..even if it's someone else, but it's just hard to accept that it could be someone else. OK I'm a lovesick weenie! I admit it!


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