Monday, February 12, 2007

I woke up yesterday morning already missing Sean and he hadn't even gotten on an airplane yet! (OH the pain of being too attached to someone!)

So I knew he was leaving at 12:00 pm for a 7 hour flight (he had to be on base by 10 am). I wondered if he would call me when he got there. He had said he would..and about the time I thought he wouldn't the phone rang and it was him! Of course, Dad and I were bringing the horses in so there was a great commotion. (I had brought the Buscie boys in first, which was the wrong thing to do and we didn't have enough stalls) Blackie sort of attacked Blue Sky right next to the phone and they both make a horrible squealing sound and Dad yelled don't talk on the phone!) All of this was going on at 10pm. However in the few moments before that happened I got to find out he was there safely, that he had gotten his room and had gone to some briefings once he arrived in AZ and that he was tired and the flight was boring. I told him that I was in the middle of something and couldn't really talk right now and we said good bye..but when Blackie made all that noise I couldn't even hear what he said on the phone..the noise was too great..and I was trying to hide on the steps from the horses! I look forward to getting more details about the trip today or tommorrow.


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