Sunday, April 09, 2006

Well here I am. I took an exam last night for my class and I still have 2 more to take and one 10-15 page paper to write. I think my topic will be teen age pregnancy. I am trying to read up on it.

Today was nice. I went over to pick up Amanda and David and they asked to follow me to church in her truck so that she could know the way. That was fine with me it gives them and me both more freedom. We sat in the back in the rowwhere Sean and I normally sit in. I wondered how they would react to him. He came in late and looked at me with a should I sit there look on his face. I smiled and nodded. So he did. He was very talkative, which is bad in a church service. I was concerned about our influence on the kids. Pastor preached a hard hitting salvation message based on the crucifixion on Christ. The kids listened but didn't go forward at the altar call. They stayed for lunch and then went home.

Sean's sister & family are coming up on Friday and spending Easter with the PA family. I hope they have a good time. He is sooo excited. I think Pat & company are going to stay with him. He just got his upstairs bathroom finished so the timing seems to be perfect.

Now I have to get back to working on this paper.


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